However, if it is heated to higher temperatures, the color of the stone then changes. It is caused by trace amounts of iron, iron minerals, and quartz. The purple color of amethyst is stable under most conditions on the earth’s surface. It shows a variety of beautiful colors, ranging from greenish-yellow to green. Therefore, its significance is associated with miracles since its color is a rarity. You probably know the green amethyst gemstone, also known as prasiolite. It allows a strong connection with nature. Deep compassion is something only a wise man can do.

If you want to take care of the environment, you will be guided by the wisdom of the heart and the pure warrior energy of the Prasiolites as ideal allies. It helps to awaken the soul to its rightful place at the center of human experience, enabling it to have a vision and to be able to recognize human faults and weaknesses, as well as the perfection of a person’s spirit. Prasiolite helps bridge this divide and transforms your spiritual growth into peace and connection in real life by activating the heart as the leadership of your thoughts and actions. When you dedicate yourself to spiritual life, you may find that you can love in a theoretical way through meditation, pillows, and acts of love that cut you off from intercourse. It makes it ideal for harmonizing body, mind, and soul as an integrated whole. Although closely related to amethyst and citrine, it acts as a bridge between the solar plexus chakra (the seat of the will), the heart chakra, the third eye, and the crown chakras. Prasiolite is also known as green amethyst.